Sunday 14 January 2018

OUGD505 - SB02 - Brief



Understanding the Brief

Product range distribution

Graphic design in relation to social, political and ethical change.

Pick a 21st century issue.
Increase historical knowledge. Needs a substantial body of research to back up project.

Be sure to note the interrelationships between medium, message and distribution. 

Splitting the brief into two parts:

Part 1:

develop a practical, visual and contextual investigation of a specific subject (an issue)
use primary and secondary sources. 
Research will be presented as part of the interim concept pitch.

Part 2:
Develop body of practical work for the identified issues that shows your ability to tap into the market potential for socially, politically and ethically-driven design.

Potential deliverable:

materials relating to an issue-led campaign (established organisation or a more ‘guerilla’ approach
poster series
web/digital platform
placards, banners or a set of badges
range of products or merchandise that communicate your identified core message
Piece of real world ephemeral (a product/ a new currency)
Instillation / exhibition / social space / way finding

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