Sunday 21 January 2018

OUGD503 - SB01 - DropBox - Ideas



DropBox - Ideas


-Must be a graphic design response (typography, graphics)
-Must have two touch points, one physical, one digital.
-Lighthearted - this brief is in association with Craig Oldham, who's work has wit (see website) but also has a strong meaning behind it (In loving memory of work). Surfers against sewage imagery is quite heavy and dark. I think it would be good to put a twist on this and make the outcome lighthearted and non threatening while also communicating a strong message.
-Understood by everyone - surfers against sewage educate as many as they can, from school children to adults. This means that whatever is produced must be understood by all, but not come across as condescending.

Idea 1 

Physical response
Booklet or publication that illustrates the impact that plastic pollution is having on both the coastline and the ocean.
Printed on paper that biodegrades or disintegrates on contact with water. Must not release any harmful toxins. The ink usage must be considered. Soy inks are more environmentally friendly that toner but I will have to research.
Could be sold at beach resorts, RNLI, Boardmasters festival etc. All proceeds go to Surfers Against Sewage.

Digital Element

Social media campaign to promote the booklet
Animations of the illustrations in the publications
Co-inside a JustGiving campaign for Surfers Against Sewage.
Short engagements with the campaign
Instagram ads etc.
Paperless - no waste

Idea 2
Physical Response
Poster series That will grab the attention of beach goers as well as the coastline community 
use humour while getting the message across
Typography heavy, similar to the work of Craig Oldham

Digital element
App that allows people to make their own posters and post them on social media sites such as twitter and Instagram.
Uses an associated hashtag
app could be mocked up on XD

Idea 3

Physical Response
Single serving friends
Boycotting single use plastic, based on the monologue from Fight Club. 

'Everywhere I travel, tiny life. Single-serving sugar, single-serving cream, single pat of butter. The microwave Cordon Bleu hobby kit. Shampoo-conditioner combos, sample-packaged mouthwash, tiny bars of soap. The people I meet on each flight? They're single-serving friends. Between take-off and landing we have our time together, that’s all we get.'

An information booklet on how to reduce your use of single serving plastics.

Digital Element
Social Media campaign that encourages people to add to the list of single serving plastics to raise awareness of how many there are. Coincide with useful information on how to reduce waste. Aimed at an older audience than Surfers against sewage would normally cater for (school children), 20 to 35 year olds. Because of this target audience it would be more successful to market this solical media campaign on Facebook.

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