Friday 19 May 2017

OUGD406 - Overall Module Evaluation


Overall Module Evaluation

OUGD406 has covered a wide range of design application. From book design to exhibition branding. The diverse nature of the module gave the opportunity to develop new skills and experiment with different techniques. This module was found to be more self-directed than others giving more creative freedom but in some respects made idea generation more difficult as there were less boundaries to consider.

Studio brief one was very much client lead. The penguin book cover competition gave an exciting edge to the brief as it was live. For this brief the book, to kill a mocking bird, was chosen. Research into the book, the author, the characters and the cultural setting was conducted. This context helped pick the correct tone of voice and personality for the cover. Typography, composition, understanding of the market place and readership were considered when designing the cover. It was interesting to design an object that would have to be appropriate for a wide audience and see how this effected the final design.

Studio Brief 2 looked at traditional print techniques with the final outcome to be displayed at the end of year show. This allowed new techniques to be explored including wood work, foiling and screen printing. The design had to be based on a moment in Leeds’ past. Choosing an event to celebrate required vast research and creating a visual representation of these events was challenging. The aim was to tell a storey through the prints. Tutor and peer crits were essential in this brief to help develop ideas and produce an outcome that is successful.

Studio brief 3 was a collaborative project to design the concept, branding, identity and promotional collateral for the end of year show. Working as part of a group brought a new dynamic to the design process. The project was not only about designing well considered work but also working as part of a team and managing responsibilities. One of the advantages of working as part of a team is the ability to bounce ideas off one another. This helped develop the design process much quicker than if working individually. The importance of colour matching and an inclusive and consistent identity was highlighted during this task. This brief forced the team to consider matters outside designing the identity, such as social media presence, networking and costings. The outcome had to be pitched to a board of lecturers and senior students, improving the team’s presentation skills. This task presented the opportunity to become a team leader. This has been challenging but has helped develop time management skills, budgeting and delegation.

Studio brief 4 gave the opportunity to reflect on the first year at Leeds College of Art and produce a response that would support the new level 4’s starting the course. This brief gave the most freedom. The final outcome was fun and engaging and allowed laser cutting methods to be developed, it also shows some of the facilities available at the college. Creating the illustration for each pub was enjoyable. Illustrative practice will be developed throughout level 5. This brief had a very quick turnaround. The final product effectively communicated the idea but could be refined.

In conclusion, all designs have been competently executed. Developments have been made within all aspects of design, especially when using adobe programs and traditional print methods. This module has opened many opportunities to explore different areas of design. Some areas have been very challenging, especially studio brief 3 with the large-scale identity and branding. The module also came with personal challenges such as team work and time management. Working as part of a team is essential, therefore learning how to function as a member of one in first year is a great skill to have. Feedback from tutors and peers have been essential throughout this module as each brief is so varied and some briefs are very open ended such as studio brief 4. Advice and critiques are most helpful in these situations.
Improvements in visual communication and problem solving can be seen as the module has progressed. Increased amounts of research have improved problem solving techniques and allowed the appropriate media to be chosen as seen in studio brief 2 where every material used is justified.

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