Monday 1 May 2017

OUGD404 - Studio Brief 2 - Penguin Book Cover Designs


Studio Brief 2

Penguin Book Cover Design 

The 3 book designs follow the exact same format and typeface. They are also linked by colour scheme, with the title and authors name shown at the spine of the book in an alternating colour. I have collected these books together and purposely used the same design elements throughout to highlight the fact that they all tackle the subject of racism. They approach this subject in very different ways, for example the main arc in The Help is racism. In To Kill a Mockingbird racism in the segregation of blacks and whites in the court room and in the trial of Tom Robinson. In Two Caravans, the author shows racism towards Eastern European migrants in the UK. The books tackle the topic so differently I struggled to create a design based on the topic that was true to the feel of each individual book. This is why I chose to relate the books by design. The illustrations on each cover use the same style. They are hand drawn and mono colour. Each illustration relates to a scene or theme in each book. The hope is to draw new readers in but also relate to previous readers who would be interesting in reading the book again. 

The colour scheme is created for complimenting shades. The shades also work with the green of the Marber poster on the back. 

All designs follow the same grid system. They use the Marber grid. I have not challenged the grid as I think I have used typography and colour to make the design unique and very different to the original crime series which originally used this grid, therefore it did not need to be altered. The typeface used is Baskerville. I have used a small sized text as I think it makes the design more delicate which compliments the fine illustrations. I think the details are important in this design. I particularly think the white illustration on the spine of each cover and the illustration that continues on the inside sleeve of the book add to the design as a whole.

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