Monday 1 May 2017

OUGD404 - Studio Brief 2 - Thumbnails for Penguin Books


Studio Brief 2

Thumbnails for Penguin Book Covers 

Before I began drawing I decided on my three books. I wanted them to have an underlying theme as to link the covers together All three books look at racism with each book being set in different era’s. The books I chose where: 'To Kill a Mockingbird' by Harper Lee, ‘The Help’ by Kathryn Stockett and ‘Two Caravans’ by Marina Lewycka.

How to Kill a Mocking bird is set in Alabama in the 1930’s (The Great Depression)
The Help is set in Jackson Mississippi in the 1960’s
Two Caravans is set in England in the 2000’s

I did some quick basic layouts with the Marber Grid as its base

The boxes show were information and images will be placed.

The book leave will also double as a poster documenting Romek Marber's life. Therefore I must consider how the design will work around this 

The poster would take the full space of this diagram.

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