Sunday, 7 May 2017

OUGD404 - Design Board Planning


Design Board Planning

The design boards will cover 5 topics:
- type
- colour
- format (frame/scale/orientation/shape/multipage format)
- layout - how things are organised within format (production/stock/pagination)

Quick notes on topics to be covered in design boards:

Type - 
- helvetica (corporate)
- bodoni (sophisticated / high fashion)
- Times (official)
- tracking
- kerning

Colour - 
- Josef Albers theory
- Pantone (universal colour code system)
- RGB Vs CMYK (if use RGB on screen, how does the outcome differ (CMYK) how did I deal with this)

Format - 
- Fold A1 to A4 ( A1 is portrait, A4 is landscape)
- Pagnation - order of the pages so when compelled together it reads correctly
- Bleed - picture goes over the edge of the page, there is no white boarder
- Creep - Extra space where the book binds to keep proportion\
- Stock choice

Layout - 
- Grid system - Learn the grid then brake it.
- David Carlson - doesn't use structured system
- Vingelli - All about the grid

'Sensitivity to design through learning'

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