ME & EU is a collection of postcards written and designed by UK based creatives that were sent across Europe as a means to reconnect the united kingdom with the EU in the wake of Brexit. On 23rd June 2016, 51.9 per cent of UK citizens voted to withdraw from the European Union. The weeks following this referendum brought a global sense of division and disconnect as people evaluated their response and as voters of both ‘remain’ and ‘leave’ imagined the possibilities of a post-EU Britain. Me & eu is one such response.
The me & eu postcards provided an intimate medium for individuals wishing to remain in touch to express their message visually: many are quiet, personal, and heartfelt, others are dissenting and defiant. But together they form a powerful and passionate voice with an underpinning spirit of humour and positivity. Collectively, they’re a visual narrative of a country in transition.
Project created by Nathan Smith and Sam T Smith.

Visual Research