Wednesday 10 April 2019

OUGD603 - Tea Packaging - Crit


Tea Packaging 


For the silent crit, I showed the tea tines with trees inside them and seed packets. The idea of the crit was to show finished work in the hope of it being accomplished enough to not require an explanation.

My feedback was as follows:

Q1) What is it? What message is being communicated?
A1) Tea and plant
A2) Seeds / growing kit for tea
A3) A reusable tea tin
A4) Tea packaging - a natural product

So it seems the product does not clearly communicate that it is a multipurpose tin as only one member of the group realised that its aim is to be recycled into other uses after it has served as a tea container. This could be communicated clearly through the branding I have applied. However, on the reverse of the tin it does read: 'Tucked away in the lid of this are the seeds to plant your very own apple/peach/lemon tree. Once you have enjoyed all of your delicious tea, fill this tin with soil and bury the seeds. All you need now is water, sunlight and a little bit of patience. 

Q2) Who is the audience?
A1) Those who care about the environment, young professionals
A2) 30 - 50. The floral design is perhaps more suited to an older audience. 
A3) Young adults/females/ those with disposable incomes.
A4) People who drink lots of tea and are interested in high quality.

The target audience for this product is middle-aged women, around 30 - 50 years of age. It is aimed at an older age range as the price point is higher as it is a luxury product and this age range tends to have more of a disposable income. The design is more traditional and the floral pattern used is similar to that of a ditsy pattern. This makes it more suitable to an older audience. If we were to aim this packaging at a younger age range we would have created a less busy pattern and would have considered using a sans serif typeface as this would give it a modern, edgier look.

Q3) How would you document this for the portfolio?
A1) The design is quite busy, keep the set up minimal.
A2) Use a studio. surround the tins with fruit and other fresh elements. 
A3) Use coloured cards that are similar tones to the colours used in the design. These could be backdrops for the photographs.
A4) In context, in a kitchen.

I will consider all of these points when shooting the products. I think I will use a black backdrop to the white labels contrast against it and it also keeps it clean and keeps the focus on the product. I really like the idea of bringing props like the fruit into the shoot as well. Unfortunately, I don't have access to a well-decorated kitchen that would appeal to the target audience. (student housing is disgusting) Although I will consider documnting products in context in the future.

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