Wednesday 10 April 2019

OUGD603 - Nest - Evaluation




This was a small brief, I only spent 3 days on it. This year I would really like to be featured in a printed magazine and this was my last opportunity. 

I was really indecisive on what topic to do this project on culture is so vast. I went for a politically motivate outcome that is current. I aimed it at people of my age because I wanted to reflect on how I felt about the current political climate in the UK right now. It expresses how frustrating the situation is and how helpless people feel, to the extent that people just don't care anymore. 

I am happy with the outcome of this project. I really enjoyed creating a stylised and illustration based result. I am also happy with how I documented the final stickers and the location and quality of the photographs really communicate a mood. However, if I gave myself more time to complete this project I'm sure it could have been pushed further. For example, packaging could have been created and a marketing campaign could have taken place to promote them. An Instagram account could have been created and members of the public could have used a hashtag when posting photographs of the stickers. This would have made the engagement measurable. 

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