Saturday 27 April 2019

OUGD603 - Research Brief - Logo development


Research Brief

Logo development

I don't think the name "Curie's Physics Club' is working as a name. 
Instead, I will try a shorter name.

Possible new names:
momentum - refers to the app putting things in motion for women's future as physicists.
Collision - two people coming together to form a relationship/mentorship 
Big band - starting a women's movement in physics

Potential Colour Scheme

I have decided to go with a bright colour scheme to appeal to the younger target audience. It is a feminine colour palette which will reinforce the idea of empowering women through connecting them in this app. I have decided to develop the atom structure logo as I think it lends its self to phone home screens, as well as social media icons. It is simple and easy to remember and recognise. It can also be animated easily. 

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