Sunday 21 April 2019

OUGD603 - Research Brief - Initial Ideas


Research Brief

Initial Ideas

·      Infographic identifying microaggressions towards women

·      An App, like The Dots or Linked In, that can connect female students with female professionals in STEM, providing role models at local levels.

·      Science club for girls. Address the gap in female participation between GCSE and A-level. 
·      Video/animation explaining the accomplishments of women in STEM

·      Create an infographic/booklet/ a video aimed at Ofsted to encourage them to make gender equality part of their inspection criteria.

·      Branding for a ‘Gender Champion’.

·      Poster series about influential women in Science / STEM – Suitable for secondary schools.

I have chosen to develop the app idea, science club for girls ideas and the branding for a Gender Champion in schools.

First I began by looking at general imagery in this area to get a feel for what was already being produced.

App idea
Key Characteristics: Platform for females entering the field of physics or other STEM subjects to identify and communicate with role models both locally and nationally.

Taking inspiration from apps like Linked In and The Dots

Would have profiles and a hashtag function to find people relevant to your field.
Could have a mentor connection capability to pair young people carrying on in non-compulsory education (A-levels, undergrad) to connect with mentors already practising in the field.
Academics could post their journal writing on the app to increase how many cites they get.
- must be easy to use, concentrates on opening a line of communication
- simple interface, not clutered
- girls only

Girls Science club
Aimed at 15-16-year-olds. has to be applicable to a school setting. Branding can be applied to worksheets, booklets, presentation slides.
Must be age appropriate. Not childish. Stylish. Must not take away from / distract from learning.
Catchy name.
Possible names:
-Atomic Women's Club
- Valentina's physics club (after Valentina Tereshkova, the first women on the moon) 
- wonder club for girls
- Curie's Girls Club

Gender Champion
for girls or boys.
Pin badge
branding applicable to power point presentations
some kind of reward system. 

I will develop the App idea further, using the sketches from the 'Curie's Girls Club' as inspiration for branding.

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