Monday 13 November 2017

OUGD504 - SB02 - Colour and Typeface Justifications



Colour and Typeface Justifications

It is important to keep the colour palette limited throughout the app to keep it feeling cohesive. I started by looking at the branding of swimwear brands such as Maru, Speedo and TYR and they all use red as their primary colour. Red creates a sense of danger and urgency. I decided to avoid using red as this could make competitors anxious directly before competing. 
I stared looking at illustrations and photographs and found an illustrator called Tom Haugomat. He uses a very limited colour palette. I chose piece of his work that incorporated bodies of water to get shades of blue in the design, the colour most strongly associaed with water. By using swatches for his work I knew I would be chosing colours that worked well together in different compositions.

The chosen colour scheme was taken from the bottom left image of the scuba diver. However I swapped out the muted purple for a warm orange colour. This added more contrast to the pallet. The orange will be used to put emphasis on particularly important items throughout the app.


The app is aimed at a young audience. To accomidate this I will use a sans serif typeface throughout the app. It is important that the app strays away from the traditional, including serif typefaces and printed heat sheets. 
Research has imformed my decision and helped me narrow my typeface selection down to 4 choices: DIN, Dagny, Helvetica and Proxima Nova.




Proxima Nova

Helvetica is lacking in personality and Dagny's numerals are awkward. Proxima Nova is the chosen typeface. It has the largest range of weights, which means I can establish hierarchy without using another typeface.

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