Saturday, 26 November 2016

OUGD404 - Leaflet Layout Design


Leaflet Layout Design

I have researched existing leaflets in search of inspiration.

To start with I looked at basic folding techniques.

I considered using the closed gate design with the intention of printing on both sides and using the centre to show my image and colour swatches. 

I decided I wanted to go with a design that is more adventurous and unique.

I found these designs very interesting, I like how they are interactive as it holds the audiences attention for longer. 

I discovered this leaflet by the designer Roger Chi-Huan Chuang. The design is fresh and bold. It is economic and versatile as it only uses one piece of paper. The folds within the leaflet create a grid which makes setting out the information within the leaflet flow better. I spent a long time learning how to fold the paper in this way and learning the way in which the leaflet would have to be laid out as the leaflet looks very different when folded in comparison to when it is unfolded.

I experimented with thin and thicker paper. The thiner paper was easier to fold however it began to hole quite quickly. The thinker paper was more difficult to fold but retained its structure better. For my final Piece I would like to use a textured, matte paper as this would give a more crafted feel to the leaflet which is well suited to this complicated and intricate method of folding. The leaflet is made from a square piece of paper. From experiments I have found that a 15cmx15cm square is a good size as it means I will be able to include all the necessary information needed and the folding is not too fiddly.

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