Saturday 16 February 2019

OUGD603 - Wonder Book Cover - Evaluation


Wonder Book Cover


Originally I intended this brief to be short. However It has ended up running over time by a considerable amount. Mainly because I spent a long time reading the book. I think this gave me a firm grounding when it came to idea generation as the ideas were backed by the storey line and things in the book.
I tried to produce as many initial sketches as possible and develop the strongest ideas. However I only ended up developing one idea and the final outcome is not miles away from the original sketch. There wasn't a great deal of iterations and I think if I were to revisit this brief I would spend longer on developing the composition and other aspects at an earlier stage.
I feel like the first version (digital collage) of the cover was more obvious. for example it was clear that the background is a fridge. However, it looked disjointed and lacked depth, especially with shadows etc.
The illustrated version may be more appealing to penguin as every past winning cover has some aspect which is illustrated in the children's category.

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