Thursday 7 February 2019

OUGD603 - Loved & Found - Evaluation


Loved & Found 


This brief originally began as a day brief. I just wanted to produce a piece of artwork quickly to get myself back into a creative headspace. I was excited for my artwork to get shortlisted and the presentation forced me to create a body of work that was professional and well considered. It also motivated me to get my website up and running as I wanted to be able to show this during the meeting. 
Having my original work put to the way side was slightly disappointing as I really liked the style and process of creating it. However, it showed that my strengths are more graphically orientated. It also made me revisit a style of work that I was very interested in towards the end of second year. I began researching designers like Young Jerks and Joshua Noom again. 
Harnessing this style and technique and applying it to images that are very different to the original line drawings was a challenge. I wanted it to be recognisable while looking appropriate for display in a commercial environment. I am happy with the end result and having the pieces digitally printed on high quality gloss stock makes such a difference to the finished result. I am proud to have my work shown to the public.
The process of this brief has been a long one. I first submitted my initial ideas in September. I found out that I was shortlisted in October. The presentations took place in November and final outcomes were handed in in February. I found this frustrating as I intended this to be a day brief.

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