Thursday 21 March 2019

OUGD03 - John Lewis - Submission Criteria


John Lewis

Submission Criteria

Title and description: 
Title: Name of concept - not simply the name of the brief.
Description: Short summary max 1000 words

Main deliverables: what you must submit, Must clearly and effectively present your idea and execution, including anything the judges will need so they can understand your response, and anything specific under 'What's Essential' on the brief.

Optional pieces are your chance to show additional executions.

Name every asset - clearly indicate whether that asset is one of your main deliverables or optional supporting 'Main deliverable 1', Supporting Image 3' etc. 

Keep it anonymous

PDF's are not accepted

Research and development 
- summary  of research approach
-  key insights that led to your solution 
- how you developed the initial idea from insight to the solution
- alternative ideas you explored 
- stamps, initial hand sketches, prototypes, mockups.
- mood boards.

MP4 or MOV only
Codec H.264
Aspect ratio - 1920 x 1080 (1280 x 720, 1024 x 576)
File size 500mbps

JPEG only 
RGB - resolution 300 dpi
max size - 10mb

landscape is strongly advised
at least 410mm on the longest side

John Lewis specific:

Main - Video - max 2 mins 
if main piece a video, you can also submit JPEG's (max 4)

Execution considerations.
- digital touch points 
- digital screens in store
- website
- social media

- gift bags 
- till roll
- Point of Sale

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