Monday 12 November 2018

OUGD603 - Internal collaboration - Target Audience & Insights


Internal collaboration

Target Audience & Insights 

Millie and myself agreed that our key target market would consist mainly of the ‘resigned’. We will target an older audience who are already familiar with the product. This means they may be more inclined to buy it. Shake 'n' Vac is very easy to use and minimal effort product. Also, this audience band, being older, stereotypically have pets to act as companions and they smell.
Specifically aimed at older single people.

Challenge or opportunity:
to make shake 'n' vac relevant again; showcase it as helping to advance the consumers dating life

- They are going to smell and see it eventually
- it still exists 
- you get what you pay for
- who said the cleaners haven't been?

Dating is hard enough. Let shake 'n' Vac do the talking for you.

- wear the trousers
- start fresh
- We've got your back

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