Friday 25 January 2019

OUGD603 - Loved & Found - Development


Loved & Found


Feedback from John Lewis has meant a complete change of direction. They have chosen to go forward with the line drawing style I showed in my presentation. Therefore, I have to choose what will be shown in the line drawings. 

I have decided to represent Leeds (rather than John Lewis)

Possible themes:
- Drink to show nightlife (Champaign flutes, Gin glass)
- Yorkshire Rose
- Skyline
- Coffee to show the independent coffee shops (coffee cups, french press, kettle)
- Owl - leeds crest
- Magnifying glass - Cluedo was invented in leeds
- Furniture - Leeds made the UK's most expensive furniture
- Hyde park Picture house
- Royal Armouries
- Bear Pit
- West Indian Carnival.

The original illustrations were inspired by Young Jerks. I will try to stick to the original style.

I began by illustrating the items listed above that are specifically related to Leeds

However I felt they were inconsistent. Non of the above work well together and the brief requires a collection of three illustrations.
I decided to move in another direction. Instead of looking at Leeds icons I will investigate John Lewis. My research showed that John Lewis are most know for their Christmas adverts that always revolve around gift giving. With this in mind I began researching what gifts John Lewis sell. For the sake of consistency I looked at items that are roughly the same size.
These included:
Wine / Champaign

It was stated in the original brief that no garments were to be shown. 

I have chosen to illustrate a hand holding a candle, a perfume bottle and a wine glass as these are all gifts that John Lewis sell. The hand ties all three pieces together. 

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