Monday, 14 January 2019

OUGD603 - Internal Collaboration - Initial Ideas


Internal Collaboration

Initial Ideas

 Copy: If they leave the bins out for you again, hide their body in it.

Copy: Don't cry over spilt milk, kill them instead

Copy: Make them disappear, the way they make your cheese disappear. 

The initial ideas are taking the copy too literally. We made it more concise by shortening the copy and changing the imagery. 
We did this by only including the first half of the copy, for example: 'make them disappear', 'if they leave the bins for you again' and 'don't cry over spilt milk.' The aim is to let the imagery to convey the other half of the copy. 

Design wise, we decided to go with the bin with the arm hanging out of it. If we use the design with the milk bottle with the hand crushing it, it would give the campaign more cohesion as the hand would be the linking theme. 

Time Planning
Friday 7th Dec - All three designs done. Make amends over the weekend.
Monday 10th Dec - Present Amends
Tuesday 11th Dec - Last round of amends
Wednesday 12th Dec - Create final presentation

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