Friday 28 October 2016

OUGD403 - Studio Brief 02 - Typeface Design: Rationale and Crit

Typeface design: Rationale and Concept Crit


Idea 1: LOUD
The typeface called Loud will use a bold sans serif type. Large counters will be used to represent an open mouth. Suited to title fonts, this type will be used as the headline for a music magazine or the branding for a music venue or pop band. This typeface will be attention grabbing and in your face. The typeface will explore using neo-humanist sans that have a reduced stroke contrast and apertures are even more open. The x heights are larger.
The typeface will be based on Helvetica. This typeface will make Helvetica obnoxious, in contrast to its initial intention of being a neutral typeface and give it personality, it will challenge the perception of Helvetica being a corporate font

Idea 2: HONEST
This typeface will use a serif font. It will be elegant and will make use of negative space. It will be pure and simple. The typeface will be inspired by old-style serif fonts that are closely associated with handwriting. It will have an organic feel. This type will be based on Garamond as  this type has a relatively organic structure resembling handwriting.

Idea 2: LIVING
This type has an ironic name, the typeface will be inspired by gravestone type. It will have a serif typeface. It will have a cold and hard personality. It will be very structured with a high stroke contrast and sharp edges. The typeface will use Times New Roman as a starting point for this typeface as it is solid and robust.

Concept Crit  
My first idea was well received. It is agreed that that a sans serif would be most appropriate for this idea. It was suggested that this typeface should be kept bold, large, simple and uppercase.
For my second idea I have had suggestions that Times would work well, although I’m not sure I agree as Times New Roman seems like a corporate type which is not something I associate with honesty.
My LIVING type idea went down well. The irony was appreciated.

I will continue to develop idea 1, LOUD.

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