Crit Feedback
Presenting the idea:
A festival for 16 - 18 year old girls to encourage the uptake of physical activity in a safe and encouraging environment. The festival has to take all the factors that girls enjoy about festivals and physical activity without feeling forced or childish.
MoodBoard |
- Colours: Coral, orange,
- Carnival Theme
- Stay away from red, white and blue. Too corporate and competitive
- During the day the festival has a range of classes, games and 'Give it a Goes'. In the evening there will be an open air cinema showing films like Bend it Like Beckham, Wimbledon, Run fat boy run and Eddie the Eagle.
- Need insentives for participation: Pamper sessions, juice bars, glitter etc.
- Encourage healthy eating, frozen yogurt instead of ice cream
- Must feel like a festival rather than a sporting event
- Design must avoid feeling childish, stay away from illustrations.
- Involve movement in the design
- Has to have a strong character
- One Key thing that brings every one together, a main event.
- Attractive and inclusive to all girls, strong not girly
- A what happened last year video
- Has to appeal to those who aren't sporty
- Focus on ticket design, line ups
- Spin Classes to live music
- New types of sport, people like seeing new things at festivals / new experiences
Jamie Oliver's 'The Big Festival'
A food and Music Festival |
Wilderness festival celebrate the idea and include outdoor activities and games in the programme.
Surf and Music Festival |
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