Tuesday, 25 April 2017

OUGD406 - Studio Brief 3 - Interim Crit


Studio Brief 3

Interim Crit

Second year's feedback.

We presented our work and idea and received feedback from tutors and second years.

We found that the blackletter didn't convey the fact that the event was an exhibition. A more contemporary typeface might be more appropriate, possibly even using letterpress might work to reinforce the handmade nature of the show. 

The hand idea went down well but it was suggested that they also need to be handmade, drawn or made out of tape like the blackletter. It would be good to see the hands framing or holding the prints.

It was suggested that the hand becomes part of the title logo, for example the H in handmade can be made out of the first and last finger. 

We need to make sure our identity is concise, we need to be more consistent with our outputs.

The bright neon colours work well and the patterns work well for the background

The hands are friendly and fun and easily understood by the public, but they need to be less perfect and more hand crafted.

For way finding we will use the hands with long arms to lead to the gallery space and direct visitors. 

The hands will take inspiration from the Byron Burger add campaign 

The catalogue will contain a description of the event, a mini map of the venue, the location and Dates and times. 

The flyers could double up as wrist bands, with the arm as the cuff. We will have to consider what the digital version will look like. 

The gallery space is very small so we will have to consider how we arrange the posters. We could use a grid system that could also be applied to the leaflet and booklet.

The booklet can also contain quotes and essays about the handmade.

The booklet needs to be in a certain order. Alphabetical? colour coded?

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