Tuesday 25 April 2017

OUGD406 - Studio Brief 2 - Ideas Crit


Studio Brief 2 - Ideas Crit

Idea 1
Leeds Bridge Details.

An illustration that focuses on the details of the Leeds bridge. However this does not convey the story of Louis Le Prince and his first film. 

Idea 2

A selection of screen shots from the film to highlight the movement within the film. The images are poor quality therefore it is difficult to see the movements and specific details. The colour choice are not justified.

Idea 3
Typographic solution

This shows Louis Le Prince's achievements. The type fades to suggest his disappearance. This outcome is too obvious. 

Idea 4
The 16 Lens Camera

This print uses simple shapes to show the 16 lens camera used by Louis Le Prince in his very early moving images. The bottom image uses colours from Leeds Bridge. 

I am not happy with any of the designs I have produced. so far none show the story of Le Prince's achievements or his disappearance in a sophisticated way. Currently I think theses resolutions are naive and I am struggling to build on what i have done so far. 

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