Thursday 2 May 2019

OUGD603 - Research Brief - Evaluation


Research Brief


I am very happy with the outcome of this brief. It was good to let the brief develop organically by following different lines of enquiry. It became much more political and a comment on the science industry than I thought it would. It was backed up by a huge amount of research and I think the primary research was particularly helpful in understanding the issue. I think the outcome answers the brief. The design and colour scheme used appeals to the target audience. The app itself aims to break down barriers such as isolation, lack of role models and less academic success among women by empowering women and in turn empowering the next generation of women entering the field of Physics and other STEM subjects.
The main issue I faced was that my laptop wouldn't allow me to run Adobe XD. This was an issue as in the past I have used this software to mock up an app to understand how it works and how functions interlink. I addressed this issue by drawing very in-depth wireframes on paper to get a real understanding of how I wanted everything to work before I moved onto the digital development. 
I feel like I have presented the pathways clearly but It would have been better to have had the app animated. Ultimately I did not have enough time to do this. Instead, I created a walk through poster that showed all the functions of the app all on one sheet. I made it as visually pleasing as possible, creating a fluid layout and an interesting background. I feel like this might be even more visually stimulating than an animation. It is also more appropriate for my own professional development as it is easier to post on my website and Behance as I don't need to upload an animation to Vimeo, which often results in a loss of quality. 

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