Monday, 26 December 2016

OUGD405 - Study Task 03


Study Task 03

Subjective symbols of Objective things

The brief for this study task was to design a set of pictograms and a signage system for a hospital that uses blackletter typeface and calligraphic flourishes as its foundation.

I began this task by experimenting with ink and a large brush to replicate the feel of blackletter without directly coping the style. When doing this I referred back to the work of David Rudnick and Julien Priez who's work I have previously discussed in the blog post 'OUGD405 - Blackletter'. I also watched a video by Julien Priez which shows how he creates his blackletter work:


I experimented with bold straight lines and more free flowing movements. I used different techniques to achieves these images including using two brushes taped together, an edge of cardboard and wide brushes. The two brushes gave more dimension and the wide brush allowed for very thick lines to coincide with thin lines, this dramatic contrast gives the feel of blackletter. The cardboard edge was less successful as it didn't hold the in as well as other materials.


I then cut the images out and created pictograms and symbols by combining images, at this point I kept the designs very abstract in order to see what worked well together.


I went on to make my designs digital. I created arrows and toilet signs for the hospital way finding system. When designing these I was aware that I didn't want to create something that was obvious and cliched. I decided to create the pictograms by merging the existing shapes and designs I had created in the early stages of the design. I was then able to create pictograms that had some features of blackletter such as the dramatic change in stroke width and angular lines but they also had an original and contemporary look about them.

I think the arrows work well as it is clear what they represent. Each individual design could be responsible for one direction, this would make the system more precise and easy to follow. I think the toilet sign designs translate the idea of blackletter more successfully than the arrows, however, they are more abstract. It is obvious what the pictograms show when they are together as a group but individually they are more difficult to interoperate. By purposely making the pictograms abstract they  are unified stylistically. I have also made sure that the pictograms are relative in size to one another, for example the female and male are the same size and the child pictogram is smaller and all of the arrows are the same size. Finally, all of the pictograms are uniform in colour. 

Thursday, 22 December 2016

OUGD405 - Study Task 02

Study Task 02

The subjective word I chose to explore was rebellion.

Subjective: Based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes or opinions.
Rebellion: The action or process of resisting authority, control, or convention.

In my sketchbook I experimented using only one continuous line, then two, then three. I experimented using just one letterform, I chose z for this as it is the least used letter in the alphabet, I saw this as a letter that would be most likely to resist control. The letters sharp edges and lack of curves also makes it seem dangerous and forceful. I continued with this idea of using only straight lines and sharpe edges. I applied this to the shapes I created on Olt Aicher’s grid as well as a 1x1cm grid. I started to create images that look like they contain curves using these straight edged shapes as this rebels against convention.


Once I had created the Dodecagon I dismantled it and used its constituent parts to create more symbols, letters and patterns. I developed the patterns further by adding colour. I chose to add bright yellows and pinks, colours synonomos with the punk album ‘Never Mind the Bollocks, Here’s the Sex Pistols’.
This album cover was designed by Jamie Reid, who is well known for his Decollege work, which is the opposite of college and is created by cutting, tearing and otherways of removing pieces of an original image. He is very involved within the British Punk Rock scene and is most known for his work for the Sex Pistols.
I chose to base the colour scheme on this album as the Sex Pistols are a well know punk band and punk as a genre of music represents rebellion and the rejection of the mainstream. I think the patterns I have created are interesting and the colour scheme is successful, however, the nature of a pattern means that the shape must be repeated following set rules. I don’t think this is a successful representation of rebellion as it is contolled and ordered. I could improve this by placing the shapes randomly and with no set rules to follow.  


Another artist who successfully represents rebellion in her work in Gee Vaucher. Her work draws strong links to protest art and she sees her work as a tool for social change. I think this represents rebellion as it is a force for change as it is defined as the resistance against authority. Both Gee Vaucher and Jamie Reid’s work seems to be very politically motivated. This presents the opportunity to create a political wayfinding system influenced by the work of these artists.

Continuing to explore expressive shapes I used ink and a large brush to create abstract shapes. I made the lines quickly and with the intention of making them look aggressive. I then photocopied them and layered them to create more images. I used the photocopier to distort the images. The use of inks gave the images a really interesting texture and the drips represent rebellion as they rebel against the uniformity of the shape. Learning from my previous experiments I chose to layer and arrange the ink shapes randomly and I think this has created interesting and abstract compositions.

Not all of the images I have created use a grid, which may be needed to make them objective, but I think this represents rebellion as it doesn’t follow convention. When choosing a frame or boundary for my signs I wanted something that demanded attention. The circle is the most strongly addressed sign however I think the soft curved edges of a circle contradict the harsh strong lines of the signs I have designed. I have decided to have the sign spilling out of the circles boundaries as an act of rebellion against the frame.

Finally I explored using the signs I created in existing environments, the most successful designs were the ones that seemed to represent direction.